Bssc cgl graduate level previous year question paper
The Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC) holds the Bihar SSC Combined Graduate Level examination in order to choose applicants for employment in the state of Bihar’s numerous government agencies and organisations. test pattern, syllabus, and previous year’s question papers must all be thoroughly understood in order to perform well on the BSSC CGL test. Previous year’s question papers are essential for the preparation process since they give applicants an understanding of the format, types, and degree of difficulty of the exam. [Bssc graduate previous year question paper]
You’ve come to the right site if you’re wanting to obtain the BSSC CGL previous year test questions in PDF format. You can find a link to the BSSC CGL previous year test questions in PDF format by reading this page. You can strengthen your study skills and increase your chances of doing well on the exam by getting access to these question papers. [Bssc graduate previous year question paper]
The Preliminary (Pre) and Main examinations are both covered by the BSSC CGL previous year question papers. Since these exam questions are available in PDF format, students can easily download and view them on their mobile devices. You can get a feel for the exam format, time constraints, and question complexity by completing these sample question papers. [Bssc graduate previous year question paper]
You can benefit in a number of ways from solving the previous year’s exam papers. It enables you to comprehend the exam structure, grow accustomed to the types of questions asked, and pinpoint the crucial subjects and regions that demand additional focus. You can develop the speed, accuracy, and problem-solving abilities necessary for performing well on the BSSC CGL exam by practising with these question papers.
BSSC Graduate Level Question Paper PDF
You can click the link in this post to obtain the BSSC CGL previous year exam questions. You will be taken to a page where you may choose and download the question papers in PDF format once you click the link. Ensure that you save the question papers to your device and use them wisely as you prepare for the exam. [Bssc graduate previous year question paper]
It is advised to consult the official syllabus and exam pattern supplied by BSSC for the CGL test in addition to the previous year’s question papers. Make a study plan based on properly understanding the syllabus. To improve your knowledge and increase your exam confidence, go over all the crucial material, practise frequently, and continually review. [Bssc graduate previous year question paper]
Additionally, think about doing practise exams and sample papers to evaluate your level of preparedness and pinpoint areas that require development. Analyse your performance, consider your advantages and disadvantages, and concentrate on improving your weakest areas.
The Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC) holds the highly competitive Bihar Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level (BSSC CGL) examination to select qualified applicants for various positions in state government agencies and organisations. Candidates have a fantastic opportunity to earn prestigious and steady jobs in the government sector by taking this exam. We will give a thorough review of the BSSC CGL test in this section, covering its eligibility requirements, exam format, curriculum, and selection procedure. [Bssc graduate previous year question paper]
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Bssc graduate level previous year question paper pdf
The following requirements must be met in order for candidates to be eligible for the BSSC CGL exam:
The candidates must be Indian nationals.
Age Restrictions: For candidates in the general category, the minimum and maximum ages are 20 and 37, respectively. According to government regulations, candidates from reserved groups are given an age reduction. [Bssc graduate previous year question paper]
Candidates must hold a bachelor’s degree in any discipline from an accredited institution of higher learning.
Exam Format:
The Preliminary (Pre) examination and the Main examination are both parts of the BSSC CGL exam. Let’s look at the exam format for each level:

preliminary assessment
- An objective-type exam is used for the preliminary exam.
- General Studies and General Knowledge are the two components of the exam.
- There are 50 multiple-choice questions in each segment.
- The exam lasts for two hours in total. [Bssc graduate previous year question paper]
- Each question is worth four points, and there is a one-point deduction for each incorrect response.
Primary Exam:
- The Main exam is an objective-style test as well.
- General Hindi, General Knowledge, General Science & Mathematics, Mental Ability, and Computer Knowledge comprise the five components of the exam.
- There are 50 multiple-choice questions in each segment.
- The exam lasts for two hours in total. [Bssc graduate previous year question paper]
- Each question is worth four points, and there is a one-point deduction for each incorrect response.
- The following themes and topics are included in the BSSC CGL exam syllabus:
Current affairs, history, geography, economics, politics, the Indian Constitution, general science, etc. are all included in general studies. - Static GK, Indian Culture, Awards and Honours, Books and Authors, Sports, Important Days, etc. are examples of general knowledge.
- Grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and other general Hindi skills.
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics (up to the 10th standard) are examples of general science and mathematics. - Reasoning, analogy, classification, series, coding-decoding, blood relations, etc. are examples of mental abilities. [Bssc graduate previous year question paper]
- Basic computer skills, Microsoft Office, the internet, networking, etc.
- To perform well in the exam, it is crucial for applicants to go over the complete curriculum and concentrate on the important subjects.
Selection Method: The following steps make up the BSSC CGL exam selection process:
- Stage 1: Initial Evaluation
- Candidates must get the minimum qualifying scores in order to be admitted to the preliminary exam.
- The final selection does not take into account the preliminary exam scores.
- Stage 2: Primary Exam
- Candidates may sit for the Main exam if they pass the Preliminary exam.
- The final selection is based on the grades received on the main exam.
- Stage 3: Interview/Skill Test [Bssc graduate previous year question paper]
- If a candidate passes the main exam, they may be invited for a skill test or an interview, depending on the position’s criteria.
- Performance in the Main exam and the skill test/interview are taken into account when making the final decision.
Bssc graduate level previous year question paper
Following these preparation suggestions will help candidates succeed in the BSSC CGL exam:
Thoroughly comprehend the exam format and syllabus.
Make a study schedule and allot enough time for each course or topic.
Use reputable reference books and study resources.
To become more familiar with the exam format and to develop your time management abilities, complete sample exams and question papers from prior years. [Bssc graduate previous year question paper]
Read newspapers, periodicals, and online sources to keep up with current events and general information.
To strengthen your knowledge and enhance your performance, routinely practise and consistently revise.
If necessary, enrol in coaching workshops or online courses to get more instruction and practise.
BSSC CGL Previous Year Question Paper Book
Complete Syllabus:
The objective of the BSSC CGL (Bihar Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level) exam is to evaluate students’ knowledge and comprehension of a range of disciplines. The BSSC CGL exam syllabus includes a broad range of topics from several subject areas. Let’s talk about the specific schedule for each section: [Bssc graduate level previous year question paper]
- General Studies:
- Indian History (Ancient, Medieval, and Modern)
- Indian Geography
- Indian Polity and Governance
- Indian Economy
- General Science
- Current Affairs (National and International)
- Environmental Studies
- Disaster Management
- Social and Economic Geography of Bihar
- General Mental Ability
- General Knowledge:
- Current Affairs (National and International importance)
- Awards and Honors
- Books and Authors
- Sports and Games
- Important Days and Dates
- Indian Constitution
- General Science and Technology
- Indian Polity
- Indian Economy
- Geography and History of Bihar
- General Hindi:
- Vocabulary
- Grammar
- Comprehension
- Fill in the Blanks
- Synonyms and Antonyms
- Idioms and Phrases
- Sentence Correction
- One-word Substitution
- Proverbs and Phrases
- Letter Writing [Bssc graduate previous year question paper]
- General Science & Mathematics:
- Physics (Motion, Force, Gravitation, Optics, etc.)
- Chemistry (Elements, Compounds, Acids, Bases, Reactions, etc.)
- Biology (Cell, Plant and Animal Kingdom, Genetics, Human Anatomy, etc.)
- Mathematics (Number System, Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, Trigonometry, etc.)
- Mental Ability:
- Number Series
- Coding and Decoding
- Blood Relations
- Analogy
- Logical Reasoning
- Syllogism
- Statement and Conclusion
- Data Interpretation
- Data Sufficiency
- Classification
- Computer Knowledge:
- Basics of Computers
- Computer Hardware and Software
- Operating System
- MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
- Internet and Email
- Computer Networks
- Database Management System
- Computer Security
For the most precise and recent information on the curriculum, candidates are encouraged to consult the official notification and exam rules published by the Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC). While preparing for the BSSC CGL exam, candidates must cover all of the topics listed in the curriculum. They can use common textbooks, study guides, and online resources to make sure the curriculum is fully covered. [Bssc graduate level previous year question paper]
Candidates can analyse their knowledge and determine what needs more attention and improvement by completing practise tests and previous year’s question papers. Success on the BSSC CGL exam depends on efficient time management and persistent study habits.